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I am thrilled  you are interested in joining The IronTable!

For the past two decades, I have had the privilege of working with business and church leaders, assisting them in reaching new heights. God has called me to use my expertise to build a community of leaders who will motivate and challenge each other to bring their churches to the next level. As a leader, it is crucial to continuously enhance your gifts and develop ways to reach and grow your congregation. After all, a church can only thrive as much as its leader does.

My Vision for Iron Table

"I see a world where Apostolic leaders set the standard for modeling biblical leadership"

Is it tough being an Apostolic Pentecostal pastor or leader? You are the person in charge, and often it can feel like a heavy and lonely road to walk. Everyone has expectations, and all problems seem to find their way back to you. When God gave you your calling and mission, you had no idea there would be so much about running your church or business that you weren’t prepared for. Despite knowing that you have been called, doubt, fear, confusion, loneliness, and sometimes regret make it difficult to keep your vision clear.


Moreover, there are many parts of growing an Apostolic Pentecostal Church or business that you never expected to encounter, such as culture, organization and structure, dealing with conflict, recruiting, marketing, and budgeting. These are not the challenges you expected to face when you first got started, but they are the things that can limit you from achieving the vision that God has given you.


However, there is great news! You are not the first nor the last to encounter these problems. Don’t let the Devil trick you into thinking that everyone else has it figured out, and you just can’t seem to get it together. You were not made to go it alone. Just like it says in Ecclesiastes 4:12, “And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

True, you have the support of your family and close team, but that is not the same as someone who can relate to similar struggles that keep you up at night. Advice, counsel, and accountability from someone who is walking the same road as you could be the difference in success or failure.

As Apostolic Pentecostals, we are different, and there is nothing more powerful than knowing that a fellow brother or sister in Christ has your back. If any of this resonates with you, then The IronTable could be your answer. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”


When you join an IronTable group, you will join fellow Apostolic Pentecostals who can help you navigate the complex challenges you face. Conferences and camp meetings are great, but it is difficult to both capture everything you learn and then have the discipline and accountability to actually implement so you can see real change.


Your monthly IronTable group and individual accountability will help you build relationships and get the clarity that results in lasting and impactful change. While working at Ramsey Solutions for 10 years, I witnessed first-hand the impact that similar mastermind-style groups have had on small businesses across the country.


Leaders who started the program feeling like they didn’t have the time or money to be part of the mastermind groups are raving about the clarity, accountability, relationships, and real change they have experienced by being involved. Time and money are always limited resources, but sometimes we have to make the choice to invest in ourselves so that we have something left to give to others. An empty vessel can’t give anyone anything!


If you have made it this far reading, it means that something I have said is resonating in your heart and mind. Now you have to decide if it is time to try something different. Request to join, and I will follow up to find out more about how The IronTable can help serve you! There is no obligation, and I am not going to annoy you to death. I would just like to connect and learn more about your challenges.


I believe in you, and I am passionate about this mission to create an Apostolic Pentecostal community of pastors and business leaders that can work together to take our movement to the next level.


~Josh Campbell

Ready to make a change?

For a limited time, we are welcoming new members to the IronTable. Don't miss this opportunity!

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